Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sputtering out sentence fragments...

... NYQUIL is a beautiful thing, isn't it?
*cough* I recently caught a *cough* nasty cough *cough* that is currently *cough* kicking my ass *cough* in the WORST *cough* WAY!

And as I'm *cough* sitting here trying to *cough* breath normally, *cough* I started to let my mind wander about a few things... *cough* & in no particular order, here they are: *cough*

- I wish this *cough* damn cough would just *cough* GO AWAY!
- I'm sad that my sweet Ruby caught it *little Ruby cough* from her Momma
- I'm over the moon in love with this little beautiful coughing creature all snug in her crib with her best friend Bear.
- As of late, my arms have been going numb when I knit- ah, the joys of MS.
- I can't believe my daughter is less than a month away from becoming TWO YEARS OLD!
- I love being a Momma.
- I miss the days of sleeping as late as I wanted.
(No lie, 2pm or later! If sleeping had been an event in the olympics, I'd have placed GOLD!)
- I need to lose more weight, eat more salads & less carbs.
- I really would love to learn to play the beautiful steinway piano that sits in my mother's parlor & never gets played unless my uncle Bruce is visiting.
- I HATE 'fwd's in my email... H.A.T.E. them!
(You wanna send me a mail? That's fine but send me a mail FROM YOU, not a generic forward that everyone & their grandmother has seen a dozen times over already... UGH. Trust me, I have seen ALL the jokes & don't particularly find ANY of them funny in the least. Let's face it, I'm far funnier than any email, period.)
- I miss Karen & Gwen being here. It was nice. It was relaxed & felt like they'd been here all their lives.
- I am sad that today when Ruby was playing with her new toy, she paused, looked up at me & said "Gen" ?
(roughly translated, means Gwen)
- I love that my hair is getting longer but am not particularly fond of the snarls & knots that I have to brush out every night seeing as how by 8pm or later, my hair resembles that of 'ooom foo foo the bush bitch'. God does have a sense of humor doesn't she?
- I'm completely excited about saturday, not because it means I'm that much older, but because there will be LOBSTER TO BE EATEN! *drooling & grinning*
- Have I mentioned that I hate this cough?
-I miss being in love with someone, it was comfortable & familiar & I would like to find it again soon... here's hoping.
- I plan on making it a point to do two specific things this weekend, 1. mailing Sparky's gift to her since we missed her this past tuesday at Rebecca's... and 2. taking that black & white photo that Karen took of me & Ruby to be BLOWN UP & FRAMED for my living room wall.
-I miss Ebenezer. I feel him sometimes & know he's still here in spirit, but it's tough to hug a memory.
- I wish that Johnny lived closer or vice versa, cuz I think he'd be really kewl to just hang with.
- I love seeing butterflies.
- Every morning when I make my tea & toast, I make 4 pieces.
1 for Ruby, depending on how hungry I am, 1 or 2 for me, & the rest gets broken up to feed the birds. They know that it's Amy's buffett, it's sweet to watch. Who needs a bird feeder, you just need a generous heart, a handfull of warm toast & an open window.
- I don't forget about the squirrells, don't worry. I throw them cinnamon cookies broken in half. They share.
-It's 11:29 pm & I should be in bed right now but I *cough* can't stop coughing. *cough,hack*
- Attractive isn't it? NOT!
- Today Ruby said 'Bruce' for my uncle, his visit was the first time she's ever met him & hearing her say his name, made him smile.
- My aunt (Ruby's Nanna T.) celebrated her birthday today, Happy birthday Leggy!
- I am sad that I missed 14 months of my daughter's life.
- I am thankful that God saw fit to unite us as Mother & Daughter, we make a good little team.
- I LOVE target, HATE wallyworld... always have.
- Nothing better than a steaming cup of tea, anytime, ESPECIALLY when *cough* my throat is THIS SORE!
- I'm glad I'm nearly 34 & still am blessed to have my parents.
- I'm blessed that Ruby is getting to know her Nanna & Nonno.
- I love that my father only speaks to Ruby in Italian. Never once in English, ever. It's good stuff... she's literally the small asian human SPONGE! My smart little girl!
- I'm psyched to be going to see Josh Blue with cousin Steve in Sept! GO BLUE! Funny ass bastard he is, I LOVE HIM!
- My mother got beautiful flowers delivered to the house today from Karen & Gwen... they made her smile & she proudly displayed them center stage of our table tonight at dinner.
- They came from Ward's, like I suspected they would.
- I have the makings of 'S'mores' in the house but don't want to a. get off my butt to go make one, and b. eat this late cuz it'll just be more efficient to staple it to my ass, it's where it'll end up anyways.
- My favorite color is red.
- My favorite number is 13.
- My favorite season is fall.
-My favorite holiday is Halloween.
- I can always smell the first snow before it happens.
*yes, snow has a smell*
- I wonder when I'll hear from whoever has Flat Bear & Flat Ruby Cate next? I'd like to post their pics & update their blogs.
- I wonder how many of you are still reading this & how many gave up after the third *cough*.
- I'm shivvering right now & am fully dressed.
- As I type this, my left arm is slowly going completely numb.
- I hope my right arm doesn't follow suit...
- I think it's time to drug up & haul my ass into bed.
(I hope this wasn't boring for everyone... what are some of your late night sputtered out sentence fragments? I'd love to hear some of you share... ESPECIALLY YOU LURKERS! )
*cough* grin.


Newbury Greenie said...

Feel better soon - I had that a couple of weeks ago, still waiting for my voice to come back.

Enjoyed the stream-of-conscience ramblings. Joely loves butterflies too, especially orange ones (of course).

Special K said...

Sorry you and Ruby Cate are feeling bad. Get better soon. You still haven't answered my question about what the plans are for her b-day next month so next time you're bored... get on that will ya? :)

Great news though.... finally got my LID (after 2 frickin months of waiting for it) June 14th!!!!

Lisa and Tate said...

I am fighting an awful SUMMER cold... Got it just in time to entertain the blogger pre mommas last friday.... I no longer have a voice, great for taking reservations on the phone!!! WHISPERING is not as effective for sales!!! I am feeling better and I am sure you will too!!! My arms get numb when I knit also....I do not have MS.... Is this late night ramblings enough??? Big Hugs to Sweet Cheeks and you!!!


Karen and Jon said...

I made it all the way to the end and loved every bit of it!! Sorry you gals are feeling bad. Hope you get better soon. Oh, and yes, you are a whole lot funnier than ANY forwarded email.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the smell of snow - I can smell it (and rain) coming too - a genetic quirk from my mom i think ;) because no one esle in the falmily can seem to do it.

Hope you girls feel better soon.