Monday, February 20, 2006

A family is COMPLETE...

OMG it's 9am monday for us here in the US and as I was taking the trash out of my kitchen barrel to take outside it occured to me that if it's 9am here, it's 10pm in china AND METCHA-DAY HAS ALREADY HAPPENED FOR SUSAN & WILL!!!!!!!!!! OMG AND UPON REALIZING THAT MY EYES FILLED WITH TEARS FOR THEM CUZ I AM JUST SOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!! TODAY IS THE DAY THEY BECAME A FAMILY OF 3!!!!!!!!! HORRAYYYY FOR THE LAUKAT FAMILY!!!!!!!!! WE ARE ALL SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

OziMum said...

Yeah! I'm haning out for the photos!!! YAY Susan and Will (and of course - OLIVIA!!!