Thursday, February 23, 2006

Good Times...

"Ok Nonno... so I think we should listen to this this purple record first!"

"hmmm, I dunno, what does that say? I've never heard of this song...?
Wait a minute, I can't even READ! DUH! what am I even thinking!"

"You're so SILLY Nonno! I'm having SUCH a good time!"

"Wait right there! I have something FUN to spice up the party..."

Ok, so it's technically an orange halloween 'bowl' but ON YOU IT LOOKS FANTASTIC!"

"Awwww Nonno, you are so silly, I love you!"
(but maybe we should wash this bowl before we give it back to Momma to put candy in it...)


Shannon said...

OK're killing me with the "wait suprises are coming!" What's going on?!?! Inquiring minds want to know!!!! LOL
You're Ruby Cate gets cuter in every picture. I don't know how she does that, but its totally true!

Amy said...

Hee hee SHHHHH surprises ARE coming...

I can't say more than that at the moment, just be patient... *BIG CHEEZY GRIN*