Tuesday, February 28, 2006


So, you all want to know what it is I'm doing this saturday? Well, first I'm going to dodge a punch from Karen for that post I just did of her & her potty mouth, ;) but really I'm going to be enjoying myself at 'Casa De Sparkey' for our second blogger 'POT LUCK DINNER'! The first one was great but little miss Ruby didn't let us stay too long as she was Cranky Pants De'jour! LET'S HOPE THAT SHE CAN HANG OUT JUST A LITTLE LONGER THIS TIME CUZ EVERYONE, AND I MEAN EVERYONE IS GONNA BE THERE! I really hope that the sheet cake I'm bringing will FEED EVERYONE! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL THERE...


(below is the Post originally blogged by Donna...)

Calling All Massholes (and anyone close to being a Masshole)

Well,we did it. We went to our first potluck dinner with area adopting families. Kikalee and her husband R were our gracious hosts. The food was great. The company even better. Fun was had by all.

We met Ruby and her mom. Those cheeks! I wanted to eat them up. Tammy & Tim were there along with Carrie and her husband. Deberoo and her charming husband drove from far away AND we were able to help them celebrate the referral of their very beautiful daughter. Congratulations! It's time to start blogging so we can obsess stalk share in your excitement.

Anyhoo, the next potluck gathering will be at Casa de Sparky. If you are interested in joining the fun just e-mail me at sparkybear45@yahoo.com and I'll give you the details.


1 comment:

Just Us Girls said...

Sounds like fun!

Have a BLAST!!!