Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Ruby's Diaper Bag...

You know, I receive alot of emails from people all over the world now because of this blog and
recently I received an email from someone asking about Ruby's Diaper Bag... it was so cute, where did I get it, etc... So here is a link to the woman who I bought Ruby's bag from: Nadyaj-Mia

I have to say that I truly LOVE IT as it's FULLY LINED INSIDE and EXTREEMLY EASY TO CLEAN! Just wash it down with a damp papertowl & VOILA'! CLEAN AS A WHISTLE! *grin*
Anything that makes my life easier is a FANTASTIC MUST HAVE! The woman who makes them is VERY SWEET and a MOTHER HERSELF! Actually, her son Jaydan (Nadyaj is his name spelled backwards) is the reason she started making these bags & selling them... I do believe he was sick & in need of some medical care so she started making these bags to help cover expenses... I'm always interested in others using their gifts to help themselves through tough times, she's a brave friendly lady with a beautiful son & I am PROUD to carry around one of her beautiful bags as Ruby's Diaper Bag! She's got many styles to choose from but she also takes requests for custom orders, how kewl is THAT? =)

So there you have it... enjoy & be sure to let me know & share pictures if any of you should buy a bag from her, I'd LOVE TO SEE THEM! =)

-Amy (& one still very sound asleep, lost in her dream... Miss Ruby Cate)


Kim said...

(drooling) Ooh, that's a GREAT bag! I think Tom just might kill me if I buy another diaper bag. We already have THREE!

OziMum said...

Nice bag! I can see why you got loads of comments on it. I'm super boring, and bought a back-pack style bag... getting ready for that big trip!!! (in about 12 months time!)