Friday, February 17, 2006

Tea for Two & Music B4 Bed...

Nonno and I throw a heck of a tea party!!

Too bad the DOG'S NOT INVITED! Ebby, c'mon... you don't drink TEA! *sheesh*

If I've told him once I've told him a thousand times, 'No Dogs Allowed'!
(Sorry buddy but 'dog hair' in my tea is NOT my idea of a good time...)

And now for your viewing pleasure... I shall play a song on my Ukulele...

Just as soon as I can remember where I put it... (crap@@#%^$@!)

Ahhh, HERE WE ARE! Ok, and a'one, and a'two...

That's right, CHECK ME OUT, I'M GOOD!
(too bad the only one who can hear me is Bear)

Thank you very much!!
(I'll be here all week!)


Lisa and Tate said...

Ruby is one cutie.... and a talented musician!! Love hrer relationship with her Nonna..


Amy said...

NonnO silly, man you better hope my DAD doesn't see that you just called him her 'grandmother' in Italian LOL hahahahaha

ends in A = female
ends in O = male

basic Italian 101... more lessons to follow. =)
