Saturday, August 13, 2005


Ruby In Her Own Time...

Today started out AWFUL!! Woke up out of a sound sleep at 5am!!! Unless there's chocolate involved, DON'T WAKE ME UP AT THAT HOUR! Anyhoo, it was due to a horrible nightmare that I had involving me pumping gas at this bizarre gas station where the attendant was a female who resembled Cheryl Crow & who kept singing 'The Picuture" song that she did with Kid Rock. DON'T ASK... then, ( oh it gets better...) all of a sudden, as I'm wondering why this tootie frootie is pumping my damn gas & not me and why she won't stop SINGING THAT INFERNAL SONG... this CREEPY GUY comes from OUT OF NOWHERE WITH A MACHINE GUN & STARTS POPPING OFF RANDOM PEOPLE LEFT & RIGHT!!!!!! See, now that's just not right... that's enough to keep THIS SCAREDY CAT UP FOR THE REST OF THE DAMN DAY! And that's just what it did!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR So, I figured, the hell with it... if I'm up this early I might as well make good use of my 'awake' time, SO I proceeded to clean my entire apartment, do several loads of laundry, empty & reload my dishwasher, shower & go to the bank, then pick up my 'ladybug' birthday cake and finally come back home to realize that it was STILL ONLY 9AM!!! Insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had company over today for our annual 'LOBSTER FEST' thing we do every summer & so before I even had time to catch a cat nap, everyone was here & so I just got plopped myself into the pool & stayed there, hoping that I didn't drift off while swimming only to drown. Would've been a horseshit way to go! ( Especially since I hadn't had my CAKE YET!!!!!!!!) So, aside from yummy lobster for lunch ( which by the way I never had breakfast or dinner, just lobster for lunch & Cake & then some cantelope here & there..) I watched the Red Sox game & then now I'm finding myself sitting here online for my daily BLOG entry, and it's 10:27pm. I need my SLEEP! *bleck* G'night everyone... let's hope that tonight I dream about something refreshing & uplifting & not something out of an awful 80's horror flick! Buona Notte! (<--- "Good Night" in Italian...)


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