Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Referral is MOVING!!

Ruby In Her Own Time...

Ok... was kind of a sleepless night last night, lots of tossing & turning but as of right now, 8:17am Wed August 31st, here is the status of my Referral as shown by DHL:

8-30-05 2:44pm REFERRAL picked up by DHL
1:58am Arrived at DHL facility in Beijing, China.
8-31-05 7:37am REFERRAL Departing Origin from Beijing, China.

China is exactly 12 hours ahead of us so currently it's 8:19pm there, wed night... which means that my Referral has been in Transit from Beijing for over 12 hours now! My guess is obviously that it's headed to San Fransisco & from there on to my Agency in WA & Kelli says it's due to be there by NO LATER than NOON on Sept 1st! OMG OMG OMG OMG I can only speculate. But, it's MOVING which is all I care about! =) OMG!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE RUBY'S SWEET LITTLE FACE!!!!!!!!!!!! *tears*

More later as I find out more, but for now, it's my LAST DAY working for my babies. Tonight after work the parents are taking me & all three kids out to dinner to one of my FAVORITE PLACES EVER! The Beverly Depot! And you KNOW I'M GETTING LOBSTER! I'm also bringing my camcorder with me JUST IN CASE "the call" comes while we're eating, I want to be prepared! hehehe OMG, MY LAST DAY OF WORK, IT'S INSANE & SLIGHTLY SURREAL BUT IMAGINE IF RUBY'S PIC COMES TOMORROW, HOW FULL CIRCLE THIS WILL BE? Last day being a nanny to three of the most beautiful sweet children on the planet one day, and Mother to what I know will be THE MOST PRECIOUS LITTLE GIRL IN THE HISTORY OF LITTLE GIRLS EVER THE NEXT DAY! I am just so blessed, I have no words...

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