Saturday, August 27, 2005


Ruby In Her Own Time...

What can I say... tonight was, in a word? Perfect It's 3:31am & I'm just now writing in my blog so you can imagine that I not only had a wonderful time spending my evening with him, but after dinner & drinks ( yes, I DRANK! can you even? I haven't had a drink since I was 25!) It was yummy too... pina colada! Anyway, after all that we went for a nice walk along the entire lengh of Long Beach in Gloucester. Literally all the way down to the end where it's so pitch black that you just lay back on the sand & stare up at the stars & are not only completely blown away by the beauty of it but at the same time, feel immediately insignifigant as a person because you're just a small blip on the map! My jeans were soaked from the ocean as we walked through puddles as the tide was coming back in and wherever denim is wet, STICKY SAND IS SURE TO FOLLOW! hehehe No biggie, that's what my washing machine is for right? So as if dinner, drinks, & the beach complete with shooting stars wasn't enough, we come back to my place & had the most amazing time just being together. Chatting... just out of this world. Thank you my dear sweet friend, you know who you are, and I love you for what you did for me tonight & how just when I think that nobody cares, you show me that yes, someone actually does care, and you SHOW IT! And you know too that I will always love you & be here for you, always. That is a promise. All I know is, I am a very very lucky girl, not just tonight, but always. You're the best... *hug*


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