Sunday, August 14, 2005


Ruby In Her Own Time...

OMG I'm so full... we just had steak & baked potatos & fresh corn on the cob & salad and peach iced tea & I feel like someone needs to roll my ass outta here on a wheelbarrow! UGH!!! Good food though. I gave away most of the remaining cake today, people visited here & there, family & friends & everyone who came by got some cake to take home with them. Better going home with them than sticking around in my fridge, I don't want to be tempted! =) I'm doing good on my weight loss but need to get back on track & honestly, I shouldn't have had that baked potato tonight but just felt like one so I had it. Anyhooo, still no referral of my sweet angel Ruby Cate. I doubt it'll come this week either, I feel like it's going to come the last full week of August. (22nd -26th) Which is great since now I have a camcorder on it's way courtesy of my brother Adam. (Thanks little Brother!!!) It's a 'China Gift' since he can't go with me, I'm going to be capturing every single moment on film to share it with him & everyone upon my return home! So, with that camcorder on it's way here any day now, I'll be able to record the moment when I get "THE CALL" from my agency telling me that, yes, they DO have Ruby's referral in front of them & they're staring at her sweet little face & YES SHE'S ADORABLE! etc... I CAN'T EVEN WAIT!!!!!! And OF COURSE she'll be ADORABLE!!! SHE'LL BE MY LITTLE GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING!!!!!!!!!!! hehehe

I just want to see what she looks like, find out her birthdate, see what her hair looks like if it's all crazy everywhere or if she's only got just a little of it... regardless of what any of the answers to those questions are, I'm going to love that child UNCONDITIONALLY! It's funny... we had friends over yesterday for 'LOBSTER FEST' and some had asked if I got a referral for a child & found out she had any special needs, like down syndrome etc, would I accept her... and I said "Absolutely, YES!". I trust that the child who is meant to be my daughter will be the little girl that finds her way to me, so whoever she is, whatever she looks like, however her condition, she's MY CHILD and I will be HER MOTHER, period. =) I then explained to them that the likelyhood of that happening was fairly slim due to the fact that children with 'special needs' are deemed 'waiting children' and you don't just get a referral for them, you request them. I requested a healthy baby girl 'ayap' ( as young as possible) so with that said, now I just wait to see what fate has in store for me... and I couldn't be happier! =)

Ruby, Momma is waiting for you & trying her best to be patient but, could you do me a little favor & PLEASE JUST COME TO ME SOON!!! =)


-Momma (aka: Amy)

1 comment:

Sparky said...

Oops way too many typos. I just wanted to say that Ruby is going to love living in your town. Lobsterfest, Henry's Market, that great theater with the magic shows (the magician was my neighbor when I lived there) I can't wait to hear all about Ruby.