Sunday, August 21, 2005


Ruby In Her Own Time...

Dad finally got Ruby's curtain rod up and I put her little valance on & it just looks SO DAMN CUTE! That ladybug rod is TO DIE FOR! hehehe My dad brought the changing table in as well & put it all together so now it just needs the changing pad & terry cloth covers ( which I registered for ) so I'll have to wait to get those a little later, no biggie. He also finally hung up my little Anne Geddes ladybug picture above her bureau so honestly, the only thing left that is missing IS MY BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL! =) And speaking of my precious Ruby Cate, there's still no referral, but could be any day now, LITERALLY! So I will enjoy this vacation week off from work but will probably have, at all times glued to my side, my cell phone AND MY CAMCORDER! I will NOT miss the moment when I get 'THE CALL' no way no how! (Thanks Karen!!) hehehe
So tomorrow I'm having a bunch of friends over for the whole day to laze around in the pool & be silly and eat ice cream & talk about life & guys & sex & children & work & everything else in between! Gotta love days like that! Oh, also, the woman who I bought the ladybug curtain rod from (ebay) sent with it, this ADORABLE poem that I'd like to share here for all to read... it speaks VOLUMES... enjoy!


'Take Time Mommy'

Take time to hold me on your lap,
To joke with me and make me laugh.
Take time, Mommy, this time will go so fast.

Take time to give me extra hugs,
To teach me a nursery rhyme or song,
Take time, Mommy, I won't be little for long.

Take time to tuck me into bed,
To read that story you know by heart.
Take time, Mommy, soon these days will part.

Take time to exclaim over what I color,
To admire the things I make from clay.
Take time, Mommy, I'm growing up and away.

Take time to imagine or make-believe,
To play some childish, silly game.
Take time, Mommy, soon it won't be the same.

Take time to let me help you work,
To teach me the many things you know.
Take time, Mommy, enjoy me as I grow.

-Julie O'Brien

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