Monday, August 08, 2005


Ruby In Her Own Time...

What a FANTASTIC NIGHT I had tonight! My friend Kristina, came over for dinner and to see Ruby's room etc... and she came across our old Fenwick Yearbooks & what a trip down MEMORY LANE THAT WAS!!!!!!!!!!!! So funny! We laughed all night & I can't remember the last time I had so much fun and enjoyed myself that much!! We're both INSANELY SILLY when we get together & just spend all night LAUGHING like IDIOTS! It's WONDERFUL! I had forgotten just how many people I 'crossed out' in my yearbook for one reason or another but it was hysterical to see what I had scribbled about this one & that! Funny how when you turn the pages of an old yearbook you immediately forget that you're in your 30's but instantly feel like you're a teenager again & I was wondering where my 'STIFF STUFF' and 'FREEZE IT' hairspray had dissappeared to!! hahahah We both had HUGE 80'S HAIR but DAMNIT WERE WE CUTE AS HELL!!!!!!! This year, should it even take place, it'll be our 15th year reunion... HAS IT BEEN THAT LONG??????? OUTRAGEOUS how time FLIES!! Well, tonight's 'blog' post is just to say THANK GOD FOR WONDERFUL FRIENDS! Next time Kristina and I get together Jen will join us in the pool as well & we three will be sillier than a gaggle full of fraggles!!! Thank you Kristina for a great night, you know I love you babe!! And thank you to my bestest friend in the world, Jen... without you, I'd be lost! *HUGS*


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