Sunday, August 07, 2005


Ruby In Her Own Time...

Ok, so it's 2:35am, Sunday morning and I just finished watching "The Notebook"... a movie based on the book by Nicholas Sparks. Normally, I don't read 'love' books persay, and have never been one for even buying movies as a rule, however... after reading 'The Notebook' I really fell in love with how timeless and true a love story it was, it touched my heart. So, today while at Target buying a birthday gift for my niece Jennifer, I picked it up because I figure, if I loved the book so much the movie could prove to be just as wonderful... and as I sit here with tears in my eyes, rest assured that yes, the movie was just as amazing a love story as I've ever had the pleasure of watching. I won't ruin the end of it for anyone who may happen to read this who hasn't seen it yet, but I will just say this; I've only ever seen a love like that twice in my lifetime... once with my Nonna and Nonno (my father's parents), and the other is with my parents. Love like that does exist... and how refreshing that it does! Who knows... maybe someday I will find the man of my dreams, but until that day comes... it's nice to know that the people I love most, my family, show me on a daily basis that love like that doesn't just exist in movies. My Nonna and Nonno loved each other so much that after my Nonno passed away, my Nonna willed herself to do just the same only four months later. She wasn't sick at all... only thing wrong with her was a broken heart from losing her best friend.

I see my parents & know that someday, the inevitable will happen & I'll lose one of them... and when that day comes, I wonder if the other will do just the same as my Nonna did & will themselves to join their best friend because the reality of the alternative, living without them, just isn't an option in their hearts. I suppose when faced with that I'll do my best to handle it, but honestly, how does anyone handle losing their parents nevermind their best friend? I don't know, sadly though, someday I will have to know and I just pray that together with Ruby & my remaining family, I'll be able to get through it & know that although people may leave our lives physically... they never truly leave us as long as we keep their memory alive in our hearts. I love my parents deeply and I love my Nonna and Nonno, and although I never was blessed to bear wittness to the love between my Grandad and my Nanna (my mother's parents) I'm told that my Grandad would've moved heaven & earth for my Nanna had she needed him to. He lived his life for her & I know that the day he finally left this earth, he immediately joined her & the two are still together to this day. I find comfort in knowing that... because love never dies, it truly lives on forever.

My eyes hurt from crying and frankly I'm exhausted so I'm going to go to bed now... more later & to everyone reading this who has found that type of love... you're blessed, know that, above anything else... you're blessed.



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