Monday, December 05, 2005

Cuddle time with Nonno...

Tonight my little princess had some special 'cuddle' time with her Nonno while watching 'Jack Frost' on abc's family channel, LOVE THAT STATION! The 25 days of Christmas is SO KEWL! They play a new christmas special EVERY NIGHT of the WHOLE MONTH of December! GOTTA LOVE CHRISTMAS TIME! I don't know who enjoyed this more, my daughter or my father... either way, it was a precious moment that I'm so glad I captured on film! =)

And on a side note, little miss Ruby Cate went to her first doctor's visit today & she's very healthy! She's 19 lbs 15 oz and 33 & 1/4th inches long! Her only issue ( which I kinda had a hunch about ) was Scabies... it's apparently very common with children from Asia so a prescription of some elemite cream & WE'RE ALL SET! I put it on her tonight, wrapped her snug in her feety pajamas & in the morning I'll give her a bath & wash it all off & just like that, no more scabies! HEHEHE Dig it!

For now, I've done my shot & am gonna head to bed under my GORGEOUS SILK COMFORTER I TREATED MYSELF TO WHILE IN CHINA! I feel like a queen!

G'night everyone, sleep well!

-Amy & Ruby Cate

1 comment:

Susan said...

Amy she's gorgeous. Not much else to say.

Oh, yeah, glad you gals are adjusting well!
