I love it when FRIENDS come to VISIT!
Today I got to meet Darlene & Ben & Isaac! Momma used to live in another town & they were her neighbors across the street & she loved them very much & still does! Ben and Isaac were and still are her good buddies & Darlene continues to be a very good friend to Momma! I was so happy to finally meet them and on top of that, THEY WERE SILLY & FUN & MADE ME LAUGH! We had such a GOOD DAY! Below are a few pics of Darlene and Me, DON'T WE LOOK CUTE TOGETHER???? This next pic is of all of us, Isaac's wearing the red sweatshirt & Ben's in the grey T shirt. =) THEY'RE BOTH SO KEWL!
Isaac went into my playroom & found my musical instruments and found my FAVORITE ONE! MY TRIANGLE!!! And I don't mean to toot my own horn but I CAN PLAY A MEAN TRIANGLE!
Darlene offered to take a nice pic of Momma and Me... I love my Momma and she LOVES ME TO THE MOON AND BACK!
They even brought me PRESENTS!!! They recently went to Ireland to visit Ben & Isaac's older brother Nick & they brought me back an IRISH KNIT SWEATER FOR WHEN I'M A LITTLE OLDER!!!!!! MOMMA WAS PSYCHED!!!!!!!!And that thing that they were holding up in front of my face was a really neat Christmas ornament for our little tree and it even says my NAME ON IT!!!!! SEE??
After all that gift opening I was ready to WALK & Darlene was more than happy to offer me two hands to hold & OFF WE WENT RUNNING! Man, I can't wait till I get the hang of this for myself cuz I'm just gonna RUN & RUN & RUN & RUN! YOU'RE IN TROUBLE MOMMA!!! ;) heheheheI don't know who got tired out first, Darlene or Me, but either way it was time for some SILLY PLAYING IN MY BEDROOM WITH ISAAC AND MY HUGE STACKING CUPS FROM TUPPERWARE! Momma LOVES THOSE SO MUCH! She thinks that I want to 'play' with them but really, the red one makes a very nice HAT! hee hee
Right now I'm all done my dinner of fish sticks & broccoli & yogurt and I'm about to get in my Jammers head to my crib for some relaxing while the Muppet Christmas Carol plays on my little tv. Then Momma will be sure to give me my children's benadryl so I can fight off this nasty cold I've got. Other than that, LIFE IS GOOD & THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR CHECKING IN TODAY TO MY LITTLE CORNER OF THE BLOGGER WORLD! G'night everyone & TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
-Ruby Cate & Momma
Don't know what it is about buckets on kids heads! Both mine did it all the time - Mikayla actually got a jug STUCK on her head when she was about 18 months old!!! Ruby Cate is going to be an awesome and very versatile musician - piano, tringle, pots n pans!!! I'm sure she sings well too! Have a fantastic Christmas AMY AND RUBY!
I love to see when boys want to play and hold babies...It shows how sweet they really can be. Ruby- I can see you are soooooo ready to walk!!!! I agree. LOOK OUT MOMMA HERE I COME!!!
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