Saturday, December 17, 2005


Today was a VERY SPECIAL DAY because it was the FIRST TIME EVER I MET MY GODPARENTS AUNTIE JEN AND UNCLE ELVIS!!!!!!!!! I loved them both very much but I'm a BIG FAN OF MALES so I was TOTALLY DIGGIN' THE KING! He and I walked around the apartment FOREVER until I literally TIRED HIM OUT! It was fun... I can't wait to see them again!

Auntie Jen brought Momma a special book titled " The Best Single Mother In the World" it looks cute & if I wasn't so busy right now playing with my grandparents I'm sure Momma would read it to me, however back to the 'loving men' thing, I'm playing with Nonno and can't be bothered to sit with Momma & listen to a book, maybe tomorrow! =)

G'night everyone!

-Ruby Cate


Anonymous said...

That picture of her and Elvis is precious - you need to have that framed for him! We really need to get together soon......

OziMum said...

Hopefully the 'lovin men' thing will settle down by the time she's 5, and starts mingling with 'general population'!!!!