Saturday, December 31, 2005


Hey everyone! It's me, RUBY! And I'm partying with my Momma and my Aunt Catherine tonight to celebrate THE NEW YEAR 2006!!!!!!! Momma, long before she ever met me, used to do this thing called 'Pajama New Year' every year with her friends where they'd all get together for a big long party and EVERYONE COULD ONLY WEAR PAJAMAS TO THE PARTY! Momma loved it so much that she wanted to do it again this year but she said that since I'm here it's going to be the BEST PAJAMA NEW YEAR EVER!!!!!! So, since I'm here, Momma's calling it our 'FIRST ANNUAL RUBY AND MOMMA PAJAMA NEW YEAR!'

I am not sure if this is just a 'New England' thing but every year on New Years Eve, EVERYONE orders CHINESE FOOD for dinner! So if you don't order HOURS BEFORE (Momma ordered ours at 2pm today) then you WON'T GET ANY cuz EVERYONE DOES IT AROUND HERE! It may just be something that us crazy Bostonians do but hey, I was PSYCHED cuz I loved the Lomein and the egg foo young and the rice too! Momma wasn't all that psyched, she said she'd seen & eaten ENOUGH chinese food to last herself a LIFETIME but since it's tradition, we got it & Aunt Catherine was excited. =)

We're gonna be busy partying but check back in a little bit for some pics! I PROMISE WE'LL POST SOME! We have to, I'm wearing my ADORABLE SNOW MAN PJ'S THAT MY NANNA BOUGHT ME! And I think Momma has some special pj's picked out too! Aunt Catherine brought some as well & we're ALL GONNA PAJAMA PARTY DOWN TONIGHT!!!!!!!

That's all for now, MORE LATER!

Ok, it's later & Momma put two pics on the blog, the first is obviously of us at the top, AREN'T MY JAMMIES CUTE??? And this one above is of me and my Aunt Catherine! She is a slacker tonight & hasn't gotten into her sweats yet but SHE BEST GET CRACKIN' IF SHE WANTS TO BE OFFICIAL FOR OUR PAJAMA NEW YEAR!!! C'mon woman, GO GET CHANGED!!!

More pics later I'm sure!

-Ruby Cate



Ok, so Ebenezer seems less than enthused about this whole 'pajama' thing... at least Momma let him sit in HER SPECIAL CHAIR! =) Lucky dog!

Yep, that's right, I came over to try to cheer Ebenezer up a little but for as much as he was unimpressed with our Pj's, he was even LESS ENTHUSED about my new toy~! 'MOMMA LET ME PLAY WITH THE TIVO REMOTE!!!' man do I LOVE this thing!

Although, I'm pretty sure she took the batteries out cuz I can't make the channel change! MOMMA! NOT FAIR!!

Hey Momma, thanks for giving me back the batteries! Now, let's put something GOOD ON!

YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! NOGGIN!!!!!!! MY FAVORITE SHOW IS ON!!! IT'S JACK'S BIG MUSIC SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I watch it every day & Momma saves my favorite eppisodes on TiVo! THANKS MOMMA!!!!!! I LOVE THE MUSIC & THE DANCING!!! =) NOW THIS IS A PARTY!!!!!!!!!

And since Ebenezer didn't have anything fun to play with, Momma gave him her Cell phone, but again, it wasn't a cookie, so he was just not impressed... ;)

Is everyone else having as MUCH FUN AS WE ARE?????????????? HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Ruby Cate

1 comment:

Lisa and Tate said...

Happy New Year Ruby!!!!
I'm working and when I get home in one hour I will put on my jammies and party like all Bostonians even thought I am in UTAH....I will heat up a lean cuisine chow mein meal in your honor....No partying for me, I have to back at work at 6 am again... I barely have time to eat chinese food and brush my teeth and go to bed....Have the best New Years ever you guys!!!!
