Friday, December 30, 2005

What a difference a few hours make!

Ok, so the '80's hair' although cute and adorable on some, wasn't looking all that great on Momma so we took a nice toasty Momma/Ruby shower & got dressed & started our day! First we had breakfast and then played a little with my blocks...

... then it was time for my morning snooze! Momma did laundry while I slept and then after nap time, we had lunch and some water & headed out into this glorious sunny yet very cold day & went for a nice long WALK!

I didn't mind too much that Momma had to bundle me all up in about five milion layers cuz it was pretty cold out there, after all, it's December in NEW ENGLAND! I really liked walking around the neighborhood & seeing all the houses & cars... I even saw a nice Comcast cable guy too! I heard a dog barking & everything!!!

And everytime the wind hit my face, which was about every three feet or so, I'd giggle & laugh cuz Momma thinks it was tickling my cheeks! =) OOOOH IT'S COLD OUT HERE MOMMA! LET'S BOOGIE ON HOME!!! So we did... Momma can walk pretty fast when it's that cold outside, even though she's always telling people she's warm & never gets cold, TRUST ME, she DOES get cold sometimes TOO! (you know I'm right Momma!)

Upon getting back into the house, Momma noticed that mister Ebenezer didn't even know that we had left the house at all! This entire time he was curled up on his bed SNORING AWAY as old happy fat dogs do!!

Even when Momma took these pictures of him, he DIDN'T BUDGE! HE WAS STILL SNORING & FAST ASLEEP. Man, it must be nice to be a dog! ;)

I think I'm gonna take my afternoon nap now & Momma may curl up for a snooze on the couch as well. We're both just a little tired from our nice long walk... more later after our naps cuz we have company coming over tonight to visit! =)

-Ruby & Momma


Lisa and Tate said...

All this toasty and snoozing makes me want to take a nap!!!! Can't do it cause I have been to work since a FREAKIN 6 AM!!!! Even with the Keg of Coffee in I still am a BEAR!!!! Maybe a snooze would help...LOL


Lisa and Tate said...

Ebernezer is a cute snuggle puppy!!! Try not to pull his fur too much...OUCH!!!