Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Play Date WED'S!

Today was a BLAST! I went to my Auntie Krista's house for our weekly Wed PLAY DATE! Everyone was there and I love playing in her house cuz there's a ton of fun things to play with! =) HERE ARE SOME OF THE PICS FROM TODAY'S PARTY!!! Hope everyone else had a great day too!!!


Lisa and Tate said...

Ruby- It looks like you have sooooo much fun on your play dates!!!! I want to come and be part of these dates....Too bac we live soooooooooo far away....Here is a CYBER play date....Say Hi to momma from me.....


Lisa and Tate said...

I think I am keyboard challenged today....I keep making bad hits and messing up my words....I catch it after I post....I AM AN IDIOT TODAY....#$@&&*$%!!!!!!!!!!
