Sunday, January 29, 2006


Ok, this post will have no rhyme or reason persay... it's just some pictures really. Some that I have been wanting to post but hadn't gotten around to uploading, some were from today, and others I had meant to add to previous posts but again, life happens. (other mothers will back me up on this!) So, I'll explain each pic as it's posted but figured if I didn't do it now, I'd never get around to it, so here goes...

Recently I had posted a photo of my CPK collection & mentioned that I also had an entire wardrobe of clothing for them, and I wasn't kidding... Yes, I know... I'm still a kid! ;)

Last week, little Miss Ruby tried her hands at 'FINGER PAINTING' for the FIRST TIME EVER as Bear looked on in AMAZEMENT! (My kid's TALENTED! *grin* )

A little swirl here...

... and a swish there,

(Man this is MESSY... I LOVE IT!!!)

Above is the finished product, and that bad boy is HANGING ON MY FRIDGE AS WE SPEAK!
( and you know I'm insane cuz I'll FRAME IT SOONER OR LATER and it'll be hanging on my LIVING ROOM WALL! *grin*)

Next up: PLAY-DOH!!! In Momma's most favorite color ever, RED!!!

Ok, this looks kewl but just FEELS STRANGE, Momma!
What does it DO??

Hmmm... it's not moving, so it doesn't do tricks??

Here baby, let Momma help you... see?


Today Momma and I went to Babies R Us to get me some more socks!!!
Even Bear wore his sweater too since it was chilly today... hee hee *grin*

Awww Bear, I love you too!

Then when I got home, Nonno played Play-Doh with me, I think I'm getting the hang of this!!

Notice my ADORABLE SHIRT, I JUST LOVE IT!!! (thanks again Donna!)

oooh, this feels SQUISHY!! I LOVE IT!

Hmm... let's get a closer look...

Hmmm... Momma, I was just wondering, are you going to take pictures of me ALL night?

Nonno, thank you for helping me with my Play-Doh, I had fun!

Gimmie a Kiss!

Ti Amo Nonno, per sempre!

And lastly, today is CHINESE NEW YEAR! Last night, Ruby and I went to a lovely party to celebrate at my friend Lisa's house! Her and her husband were WONDERFUL and we met LOTS OF REALLY FRIENDLY COUPLES! All of whom are adopting from China! Ruby was showing off at first with Lisa's husband but once everyone arrived she got a little creeped out & wouldn't let me put her down at all, not even in HER OWN carriage!
It didn't occur to me until today that the last time she was in a situation where she found herself in a place she didn't recognize surrounded by people she didn't know all paying attention to HER, was 'GOTCHA DAY'!
So, I'm pretty sure the reason she was freaking out & crying (which is SO UNLIKE HER) is because she was terrified that it was a repeat of that day & that she'd never see ME again!
So sad, when I realized that on the way home I was sad for her, my poor little doodle thought I was going to pass her on to someone new...

I DID bring my camera last night but because she was so clingy, I was unable to take even ONE pic! However, Lisa did take one of my snickerdoodle with her Hubby and as soon as she emails it to me I'll be happy to SHARE IT! =) Trust me, she looked ADORABLE! Dressed to the 9's in a GORGEOUS SILK DRESS with tights, white squeaky shoes and a fancy sweater with a fuzzy collar!

You're gonna just have to take my word for it until I can post a pic!

CAN I BE TRUSTED OR WHAT??? Here, as PROMISED, are pictures of my little doodle bug from last night's CNY party! Did she look adorable or WHAT?

Look Momma, I've got myself a NEW BOYFRIEND! ( he's shy, so you just get to see his hands & BOOTS for now! )

Hee hee, hay Momma, is it wrong that his hand is bigger than my head? LOL

Until then... goodnight for now, Bear & I are WIPED OUT!


Carrie said...

We love fingerpainting and play dough at our house too. Can't wait to teach little sister to use them also.

Ruby is such a cutey. It totally makes sense that she should have been freaked out last night around all of us strangers. Hopefully she will get used to all of us.

Christi and Abbey said...

You are such a fun mommy with the fingerpaints and playdough! I do have to said you went to BRU for socks but I'm counting 4 little clothing hangars in the cart pic...what's that all about? Will that happen to me as well? Well, I guess it is already happening to me since at every store I head straight to the kid stuff!

Eliza2006 said...

Awwwww!!! Ruby looks sooo cute in her little dress!


Kim said...

She is such a cutie! She looked beautiful in her CNY dress!

Lisa and Tate said...

all that clothes in the closet,, Ithought that was Ruby's closet!!! Ruby was a doll for CNY!!! Thanks for keeping your promise and posting pictures of this!!!
