Sunday, January 08, 2006

Why I blog... ( & toddler tissue antics! )

Why DO I blog? Well, I've been asked this many times from family members & friends, strangers & online pals etc... Well, there are several reasons why I blog, but the biggest ones are the following:

I blog for those of you toying with the idea of adoption.
I blog for everyone just starting their paperchase, for those in the midst of the paperchase, for the families who just received their I171's in the mail...
I blog for everyone who is just about to be DTC or who has been DTC & is waiting for their LID.
I blog for those celebrating their LID.
I blog for everyone just beginning the "BIG WAIT" and for those of you smack in the middle of it feeling like there's no light at the end of the tunnel...
I blog for those families who've recently received their precious referrals and are now floating on cloud 9...
...and those of you waiting for your TA so you can boogie on outta here & go to China to bring your babies home!

I blog for ALL THE REASONS why I READ A BUNCH OF BLOGS while I was at EVERY ONE OF THOSE STAGES I just mentioned.
I lived vicariously through other people's adoption milestones until mine could get underway...
I was hooked on every picture, every post, ever little tidbit of info I could get my hands on to sustain me during that LONG PROCESS we lovingly refer to as International Adoption.

How long was my process you ask?

Oh, about this long:

Dec 03': Knew I wanted to adopt, started saving up $ to begin the process.
Jan- March 04: Researched agencies until I fell in LOVE with Faith International Adoptions out of Tacoma, Washington.
April 04': Got the LAST SINGLES SLOT FOR 2005' and paid my registration fee to get the ball rolling! *did a happy dance around my house*
April - Dec 04': PAPERCHASING (ugh)
Dec 04': My Dossier was ready to go and was due to leave with their monthly DTC batch, but due to an oversight, was unfortunately left behind as the others were sent off to China. At the time I was pretty peeved but after much thought, I knew in my heart that my Ruby wasn't ready just yet, and that she's doing this in her 'own time'... so I told them to just send me along with the Jan group rather than try to expedite my Dossier on it's own. I didn't want it traveling 'solo' I guess.
Jan 14th, 2005: FINALLY DTC!!!! *more happy dancing*
Jan 31st, 2005: LID!!!!!!!!!! *nearly drunk with happiness*
Feb-Sept 2005: THE BIG WAIT!!! (That's where all the BLOGS that I've loved over these past few years came into SERIOUS play & kept my sanity IN CHECK!)
Oct 11th, 2005: TA!!! (Travel Approval)
Nov 16th, 2005: TO CHINA I GO!!!
Nov 17th, 2005: Arrive in Beijing
Nov 20th, 2005: Flew from Beijing to Nanchang
Nov 20th, 2005: GOT'CHA DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 21st, 2005: Official 'Adoption Day' !!!
Nov 28th, 2005: Consulate Apt.
Nov 29th, 2005: Actually went to Consulate & swore Ruby in as a US Citizen!!
Nov 30th, 2005: HEADING HOME w/a DREAM COME TRUE!!!

So, as you can see, this process is NOT for the FAINT AT HEART nor the IMPATIENT! So, back to the original reason for this posting...?


May you all realize that your children will come to you in their own time, just as Ruby did for me. Of that much I'm sure! And hopefully in the meantime, you can get a kick out of Ruby's and My life full of silly toddler antics!

(A-hem... for example: As I was typing this post, THIS is how Ruby passed her time...) HAHAHAHA

All the expensive fancy toys on the planet & my child discovers the JOY of a BOX OF TISSUES! hee hee, good thing I have extra boxes stashed! hehehe


Sandra said...

As someone in the paperchase stage, I thank you for all the reasons you blog!!! Ruby is a cutie, gosh, all those well paid toy designers at Fisher Price have nothing on a box of tissues!

Amy said...

You're very welcome Sandy. =) Now, I'm off to grab a shower while I can since little miss 'Cutie' is having her MORNING NAP! Ahhhh, can you hear that? ... THE SOUND OF SILENCE!!!!!!! *grin*


ps: When are you going to start a BLOG OF YOUR OWN? =) hehehe Let me know & I'll happily add it to my list of favorites!


Lisa and Tate said...

Thanks for Bloggin'...It is Blogs like your and Ruby's that keeps me on track and going!!!!!!! Positive, funny and full of pictures...LOVE IT!!!!!


PS kisses to Ruby Cheek-os

Eliza2006 said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Kris said...

Ok, how cute is she in that outfit we gave her?? I'm so glad it fits her!! I remember when Jen would occupy her time by unraveling the WHOLE toilet paper roll!! Yup, that was fun to try and re-roll....NOT...he he. Love you gals and can't wait to see you both again.

Auntie Kris

Donna said...

Amy, as someone who is about to be DTC, I LOVE checking out the daily antics of little Miss Ruby Cate and I'm so glad that you blog!

I'm really interested in seeing the ups, the downs, the joys and challenges of mothering China's beautiful daughters. Without having a preview of home life from mommys like you, I totally wouldn't know what to expect.

Keep on bloggin!

Donna :)