Sunday, January 22, 2006

Reaching out to anyone who could possibly help this single Momma out...

You know, someone recently commented on how good a writer I was & would I be interested in perhaps writing children's books... the truth is, I've already written several, one in particular that I just think is the sweetest thing & hope to have published sometime in the near future. I've always enjoyed writing for as long as I can remember. Initially it was poems through high school & college, but then once I became a professional Nanny, my love of writing turned towards the magical imaginative world of children & hasn't left since. I love taking my thoughts and transforming them into words on a page that tell a story, and if it's a fun silly story then all the better!
The thing, however, with writing children's books is that it's a very tough market to get into & unless you have an agent, it's an uphill battle 210%. Most publishers don't want unsolicited manuscripts, period, end of story.

So I'm throwing it out there to all you in 'blogdome'... if you know of anyone who could help an aspiring children's book author out... don't be shy because I'd love any/all help I can get! Also, I'll promise to remember you in my credits! ;)

Ok, off to go watch Desperate Housewives & have a nice steaming cup of Tea~ mmmmm TEA! *grin* LOVE IT!

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