Sunday, January 15, 2006

Before & After

I was reading my blogs tonight as I do every night before bed & came across a posting from a friend 'down under' who was commenting on how it was so easy to put ON weight but near impossible to take it off. I posted a reply to her to let her know that it IS POSSIBLE to take weight off & keep it off...
(80lbs & counting for me...)
... then I got to thinking that words alone don't really drive a point home, so I thought these Before & After pics would do the trick.



Now, before you all go crazy on me, please keep in mind that I still have a VERY LONG ROAD ahead of me & lots more weight to lose, but I know that slow & steady will win my race... and just like my daughter, I will do it in my 'own time'. =)

And I could go on & on FOREVER about how
DIETS DON'T WORK, but most people don't listen anyways... just know that when you finally reached a point where you're sick to death of a diet not working, remember this one thing: It's not YOU failing the diet, it's the DIET FAILING YOU! (psst, cuz they don't work!) =)

Just eat healthy, drink TONS of water & walk at least once every day. That's it.
If I can do it, ANYONE CAN!



Kris said...

Well, I certainly listened. Andy and I are not following a "diet" anymore. We're just eating healthier foods and like you said, drinking lots of water. You're right, those diets only work for a short while and then they fail. So, you go girl and keep up the good work!!!

Lisa and Tate said...

You are beautiful!!!!! Back when you were 80lbs more Amy and now less Amy .... But you are an inspiration.... Cheers (using drinking TONS of water) to you and now me for a healthy life style...


Eliza2006 said...


WOW! I'm impressed and inspired. Beau and I went for a nice long walk today. Thanks for sharing.


Just Us Girls said...

Good for you Amy! You look wonderful...


Donna said...

Wow, are now my hero! I would like to loose at least 50 lbs over this year before we go to China, although I have about 70 - 80lbs to loose before I reach a realistic good weight for my body.

I've been doing exactly what you suggest...eating healthy, lots of water (as always), and I'm trying to cut the sugar (except I can't live without my non-fat Starbuck's mochas). Exercise is the next thing I need to add, but I'm still psyching myself up for that!

Donna :)

Christi and Abbey said...

You've done an awesome job!! Good for you Amy!