Thursday, January 12, 2006

Trains, Toys, Dolls & A NEAR-BEAR'NAPPING!

Ok so we were going to go to the Salem Children's Museum but ended up going to the Wenham Children's Museum instead!! (psst, you're not supposed to take pictures while in there... "supposed to" being the operative phrase. LOL

So it's this little place FILLED with antique train sets & doll houses & vintage TOYS etc! Momma took LOTS of pictures! *grin*

First... TRAINS! There's trains set up at different stations of ACTUAL places all around our area, Beverly, Salem, Danvers, Hamilton, Wenham etc... it was REALLY NEAT TO SEE! The train sets are all assembled & each station has a little 'red button' to press to get the train to start & AWAY WE GO!! =) I LOVED IT!

We then decided to take a break from the trains & head downstairs to their little 'play room' where they have a table top train set to play with. Bear was REALLY EXCITED to come with me to check it all out!

It was all fun & games until I realized that I felt a tug at my hands & looked down to find that Bear was GONE! A little boy about my age thought that it would be ok for him to just TAKE MY FRIEND!!!! CAN YOU EVEN???

When Momma got Bear back for me you can imagine that it was a bitter sweet reunion... I thought I had LOST MY BEST FRIEND! Many tears were shed and an ear was nibbled on once we were reunited! Bear even looks like he's SMILING! (at least that's what Momma says...)

That same little boy who STOLE BEAR tried to then GIVE ME A HUG?
UGH!!! Go away kid, ya botha' me!

Bear & I WORK ALONE! We're a team of 2... GET IT?
Let's just MOVE ON, shall we? Ok, THANKS MOMMA!

Momma thought it would be fun to go look at the vintage TOYS! She was right too, it did cheer me up to see these kewl things! But why is it that we can't take them home?? I want those two dollies on the pull toy! Mommaaaa pleeeeeeeasssseeee???

Then it was on to the DOLLS & DOLL HOUSES DISPLAYS! Man I think Momma had more fun in this section than ANYONE DID! Check out some of the kewl things we saw! THANKS FOR BREAKING THE RULES TO TAKE PICS MOMMA! hehehehe

Nearing the end of our visit, we went to check out the 'night train' exibit... SO KEWL!

And finally, before leaving Momma noticed this oldfashioned kewl lookin' music box!!! We got some quarters out & started that bad boy UP! IT WAS SOOOO NEAT!!! Little mice DANCED at the bottom! I LOVED IT SO MUCH THAT WE PLAYED IT TWICE!!!!!!

Hey, those are pretty KEWL! I'm kinda in a trance... who knew little dancing mice had that effect on people! Man I gotta get me some of those mice... but where in the world do they shop for their Tutu's?


Kris said...

Isn't that place neat??? We took the girls there when they were little. Jen doesn't remember it, but Steph was absolutely enthralled with the trains!!

Lisa and Tate said...

Whew Ruby-
You have had quite a day!!! Tons to see and play with and the Bear nabbing!!!!!! Someone needs a relaxation treat and a soak in a bubble bath.....Deep doesn't that feel better????
