Saturday, January 14, 2006


Today was a GREAT DAY, regardless of the tons & tons of RAIN that's falling around here, we ventured out to BJ's to get a few things and while we were out we decided that a trip to Barnes & Noble was in order & we went looking specifically for Laurie Berkner CD'S! RUBY JUST LOVES HER!!! (As seen on Jack's Big Music Show on Noggin) We got the following two CD'S:
Laurie Bernker / Under A Shady Tree


Laurie Bernker / Victor Vito


And from an Adults point of view, she's really got a soothing soft comforting voice that sounds like your best friend telling a story. I could listen to her all day without wanting to pull my HAIR OUT! Plus, to see my daughter happy and dancin' & groovin in the car while we drive... well that is just PRICELESS! =)

Her favorite songs are: BOOTS, I'm not perfect, Under a shady tree, I'm gonna catch you, I'm me and you're you, My energy... the list goes ON AND ON! Check her out... Ruby and I promise you won't be dissappointed! =)


Lisa and Tate said...

Oh- I went to BN today after reading post.... I had a $19.99 credit to spend so I bought an extra BEAR (I have two now) and looked for a CD.... Alasssss I forgot her name and sat and looked and looked thru all the children's CDs to see something I recognized ....I even looked thru the DVD's to see if that would help.... I went home without that purchase... but this time I will write the name down!!!! See I am already learning from "the Nanny"


Amy said...

Hee hee, you crack me up. Ruby has 4 bears but I still think I should get a couple more just to be on the safe side but then again, my rational side ( yes I DO have one ) says to me: "Amy, that's not being safe, that's being NEUROTIC! STOP IT WITH THE BEARS!"
So, I guess I'll just cross my fingers & hope for gifts of 'Bear' to add to Ruby's bear friends... maybe I can drop subtle hints to family members! =) hehehehe I'm insane!