Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Morning Tea...

Thank you Ruby for such a LOVELY MORNING TEA PARTY!!!
You made Momma's morning!
(those letters that you see in the backround behind Ruby & Me are the ones pictured below...)

These wooden letters were bought for Ruby by her Nanna at this cute little store here in downtown Beverly, called Casa De'Moda.
It has really unique & one of a kind type stuff that's kinda pricey but
WELL WORTH A VISITnow & then for the most amazing finds!!

Above is a picture of my collection of 80's Cabbage Patch Kids in MINT CONDITION!
This doll case sits against the wall & is situated directly between
Ruby's bedroom door & Momma's .
Each day while Ruby plays in her playroom, she gets to enjoy them as the main view!
I love them still at 33 and hope someday Ruby will enjoy playing with them too...
right now, however, it's just Bear that makes her heart go pitter-pat. =) hehehe

pssst: Center row, little boy all the way to the left in the red sweatsuit with blue numbers on it, that would be T.C. (short for Theodore Chris...)
T.C. was my FIRST CPK EVER!!
T.C. is still in FANTASTIC CONDITION right down to the powder scented hair!!!!
Santa brought T.C. to me Christmas of 83'. MAN I'M OLD!


Shannon said...

I can't believe you have all those cabbage patch kids still and what good shape they are in. I have 2 from my kiddie days, and they are beat to hell. Really, its horrible. can you wash them or something? Do you know?

Amy said...

Yes you can wash them... in a gentle cycle, warm water with baby soap, or woolite. (something gentle) You can even dry them but put them in a pillow case first and tie a ribbon or a hair band around the opening to keep them in there safe & sound & again, low heat tumble dry. Not air fluff cuz they won't dry properly & then they'll mold... but too high is bad for their plastic parts.

You know, you can also wash their clothes & if you want to give them a proper 'makeover' you could search ebay for some MIB or Mint condition CPK outfits. I have every original outfit I ever had for my dolls & have purchased many more outfits from ebay so that they literally have their own space in my closet for their outfits for when Ruby & I want to play 'dress up' with them someday. =) I should maybe take a picture of that too & post it for you all to see... =)

Lisa and Tate said...

Whew!!! That's a lot of CPK... What a fun morning tea you two had!!!


Donna said...

Looks like little Miss Cheeks is very serious about her tea preparation. I love the little tea set...looks like Fisher Price, is that right? I think that needs to go on Lauren's toy wish list.

Donna :)

Tammy said...

Wow Amy! I thought you took a picture of a store display. They really are cute. What does Ruby do when she sees all of them?

The tea party looked fun.


Johnny said...

I just wanted to say that every time you post pictures of Ruby, I think of YOU. So, two questions:

1) did you believe in that whole face-matching-to-the-parents feng shui mumbo jumbo before you got Ruby?

2) If not, do you now?

We.....kinda do.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE!!! DON'T get her started on Cabbage Patch Kids! LOL
One a completely unrelated note...since I know you love these Am, I present today's
'Stupid Guest Question of the Day'

while staffing the manatee habitat a guy (holding a beer) says to me - So, can I give her (the manatee) some beer?
8 O
> [

rant over