Saturday, January 28, 2006

TiVo & the power of WORDS...

... every day I TiVo Oprah, I sometimes watch & sometimes I think 'eh, I can do without that today..." However, I had forgotten that Heath Ledger was due to appear to talk about his new movie Brokeback Mountain...

Oprah asked them (Heath & Jake Gyllenhaal) how they felt about it & Heath's response was one that I cannot let go of in my mind... his words spoke out loud to everyone watching, the entire nation of viewers tuned in to check out Oprah got an ear full of TRUTH!

Said Heath at one point during the interview...

" I dunno, I still find it personally disappointing that people kind of go out of their way to voice their disgust or their opinions against the ways in which two people choose to love one another... I think that's really unfortunate."

AMEN to that!

Thanks Heath for showing me that I'm not the only person in the world who believes that Love is Love is Love... it has no gender, no color, no age, it just is pure & honest & wonderful no matter how you slice it. HEATH LEDGER FOR PRESIDENT! (hell, he can put his words together far better than good ole' W ever has! & THAT'S A FACT! -sadly- )

G'night... ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz

1 comment:

Amy said...

GOOD FOR YOU IZI! I have lots of bisexual, lesbian & gay friends & THEY'RE ALL FANTASTIC PEOPLE! When did society start thinking that 'in order to be a good person' you had to be STRAIGHT? Most straight people are BORING AS HELL (no offense to my straight friends & family, wonderful people I hang with) but generally as a rule, the bi's & lesbians & gays are JUST SO MUCH MORE FUN & ENTERTAINING TO CHILL WITH! Hell, last time I checked bad people were bad people REGARDLESS OF THEIR SEXUAL ORIENTATION (Serial Killers) for example: some were straight, some were bi, some were gay BUT ALL WERE EVIL!
That said, if it takes all kinds to be BAD shouldn't it then stand to reason that it takes ALL KINDS TO BE GOOD TOO?!?! Most of society today is so damn closed minded it irk's the hell out of me... Why can't we all just love one another regardless of the things that DON'T MATTER & focus on the ones that DO?

Izi, you ROCK! Shoot me an email sometime girl, you're my kinda people! =)

And I still say HEATH LEDGER FOR PRESIDENT! (sorry georgie pie, that W should stand for 'what?' cuz you ain't got a CLUE!)