Sunday, December 18, 2005

Uncle Andrew & Aunt Catherine!!!

Today was fun! I got to meet my Uncle Andrew finally!

He was alot of fun & he even saw me take my VERY FIRST STEP ALL BY MYSELF! Granted it was only one step but IT WAS MY STEP! =) And BOTH HE AND MOMMA SAW IT! hee hee I was so PROUD of myself! (Momma's in trouble soon, I'm gonna just start RUNNING EVERYWHERE!)

I was being very silly with Uncle Andrew and showing off big time!

Here I am!!!

Can't see me now can ya?!?!?! hehehe ;)

He seemed to love it though so it was fun! I even let him watch my favorite show "Jack's Big Music Show' on Noggin! Uncle Andrew and Momma both sang to me it was really great! =)

Then my Nonno and Nanna watched me while Momma went over to Uncle Andrew's house for dinner with his family & I was asleep by the time Momma and Aunt Catherine got here...

But they DID come into my room while I was sleeping so that Aunt Catherine could see that yes, I truly am here for real, cute as can be & sound asleep. =) Really, I just can't wait till I can meet my Aunt Catherine in PERSON WHILE I'M AWAKE! That should be a lot of fun! Especially since she's the reason for my middle name, Cate! ( Cate is in honor of Aunt Catherine!) So she MUST BE PRETTY SPECIAL IF I'M NAMED AFTER HER! Maybe tomorrow she'll come over & we can have a play date! =)

Goodnight for now! ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz

-Ruby Cate

11:53pm UPDATE: Well, tomorrow didn't necessarily have to arrive for me to meet my Aunt Catherine. It's funny how when one misses their daytime nap, how that same person can just all of a sudden WAKE RIGHT UP at 11PM! Aunt Catherine was STILL HERE THANKFULLY and HEYYYY HERE I AM!!!!!!! So I finally met her & even though I was really OVER tired, I still managed to be GOOFY AND SILLY & GIGGLE & LAUGH & SMILE at her & I hope I put on a half decent show. She seemed to like it well enough but it was PAINFULLY OBVIOUS TO BOTH HER AND MOMMA that I was in some DESPERATE NEED OF MORE SLEEP~! So back to bed I went & I just wanted to let everyone know that even in my half concious state, I STILL WAS FUNNY AS HELL & QUITE ENTERTAINING! I hope to hang out with my Aunt Catherine again soon, maybe not tomorrow as she's pretty wiped out from me keeping her UP SO LATE TONIGHT! I don't think anyone expected me to WAKE UP WHEN I DID! But hey, spit happens. =)


-Ruby Cate ( & one VERY tired, Momma & Aunt Catherine)

1 comment:

OziMum said...

I just love Ruby's funky hair!!! She looks like she's havin so much fun!