Thursday, December 14, 2006

Somebody pinch me...

...cuz I just had an hour long conversation with Ruby's foster mother by way of my friend in Shanghai and OMG, I have information that I thought I'd NEVER have!
I know things now that I have ALWAYS wondered about!
When Ruby gets older & asks me things, now rather than a response of, "I'm sorry sweetie, I just don't know..." I will have ANSWERS FOR HER! VALID REAL ANSWERS PROVIDED TO ME BY THE SECOND WOMAN TO LOVE HER BEFORE ME!
(the first being her birth mother, who we are forever grateful for)

I am numb, I am proud, I am happy, I am shaking, I have been crying, I got so many answers tonight to things I was desperate to know but seemingly forced myself to 'shelf' temporarily because I just thought the odds of ever finding the answers were obscenely rare.

Little did I know that I'd be getting the worlds most MONUMENAL CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER!
A Christmas Miracle, for a little girl who touched so many hearts not only in China,
but right here in the USA as well.

It's amazing the things that can happen, and I am humbled by it all.

I don't know what else to say, there will no doubt be more conversations to come as well as, I've been informed, photos of my girl just days old.
DAYS OLD!<@#$#$%% I need to go lay down, I am feeling lightheaded and can't even begin to process all this, I know that I am blessed beyond all measurement, and feel so so SO lucky tonight, to call myself Momma to that little girl sleeping soundly in the next room. Thank You God, your gift was exactly what I wanted this Christmas... exactly.


Anonymous said...

So happy for you, so happy for RUBY! As one of my favorite people told me recently, you've been given the gift of your daughter's past!


Anonymous said...

That is really AMAZING! I'm so glad you have this opportunity for you and for Ms. Ruby!


Anonymous said...


You have the absolute best Christmas present God has given anyone. You should be so proud to to be able to give Ruby Cate the answers I can never tell my girls other than "I Love You". Wow, what a great present!!!

Happiness to you. Oh before I forget, we just finished the "rot Post" yesterday and it was great. The girls love the gravy the best - go figure.

Sherrie in HB

Anonymous said...

Oh Amy, I'm so happy for you and Ruby. Then why am I sitting here crying?

Can't wait to see the early pictures.


Sandra said...

Oh my, that gives me chills to think of this connection you have made. The foster mothers in China are heroes in my eyes and to have info on Ruby's earlier days is absolutely priceless. What a Christmas blessing indeed.