Monday, December 25, 2006

Why is it that I ALWAYS wait till the last minute...

... to get one of THESE every year!?!??

Yes, I did order that exact one &
you bet your ASS I'm totally PSYCHED for it to GET HERE!

Now, I'm good to go for ~2007~...
*got my pj's ready!*

Let's ring in the new year CHINA STYLE!


Anonymous said...

I bought 14 of those and handed them out for Christmas gifts. I was so pleased to see my Baby's province in there! It is BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy 2007!!

Mommy & Daddy said...

I always wait til Jan 2 to buy my calendars...they're 75% off then and I haven't missed anything. But then again, I'm cheap!! ;-) Hope you have a fabulous 2007!!