Saturday, December 16, 2006

Privacy Please... **note to all 'gwenblog' readers (scroll down)

...yes, it's true, I'm moving to a private blog
allowing me to be a little more conservative about who has access.

With the new blogger beta, I have that option &
after the email I just received, it's done.

So, here's the deal... I need emails from people telling me who you are, & how I know you and your email addy so I can add you to my list of 'allowed' viewers.

It shouldn't be that much of a pain in the ass as I'm pretty sure you only need A. a Google account (they're free to get & most of you have them all ready I'm assuming) and B. a one time log in & as long as you don't log out of Google, you're free to view the blog anytime you choose.
Now, that is how I've come to understand it, but remember I've not done this before so it'll be a bit touch & go at first, so everyone please bear with me till it's a done deal.

I know it kinda sucks, but it is what it is & it's my daughter
& it's my choice to do what I need to do to protect her & me,
so going private it is.

So, as of Jan 1st, exactly at midnight, the new private blog will be in effect.
Upon going into effect, everyone who is allowed access will receive an email from me with directions on how to go about signing in. They seemed pretty cut & dry (I tested it out with my other blog, dictionary schmictionary, and it was fairly easy to do...)
so I'm sure this will go smoothly as planned.

My email link is right here on the blog so just click it, & tell me who are you, where do you live & provide a valid email addy & consider yourself privy to the funny antics of R.I.H.O.T. After all, if you all are looking in on my life, then it goes without saying that I should be allowed a little glimpse of yours.


PS. Please do not leave your email info as a comment
as that is not what is going to help me.

Thanks a bunch!

**If you are currently allowed access to Gwenblog,
than consider yourself also allowed access to R.I.H.O.T.
(however you will still need to inform me of your email info
& just mention that you're one of Karen's regular readers...)
She is one of my best friends & I trust her judgement implicitly.


Tamara said...

I hear ya- I'm thinking of doing the same thing or not blogging at all. It totally weirds me out thinking some peerves are out their viewing our kids. It it works for you I will try it too. The stuff we blog about is very personal.

Intrepidgirl said...

I'm sorry to hear that your privacy was violated and that your blog will not be public anymore. But of course I understand your decision to change the settings! Best to you and your daughter.

Tammy said...

It was great following you journey - Miss Cheeks sure is a cutie pie.

I totally understand the privacy thing - I've stopped posting pictures of my daughter for the same reason (and after a post on Johnny's blog that opened my eyes).

Best wishes to you & your daughter.

Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

It has been a joy to follow your adventure to Ruby and your life thus far. I wish you many blessings.

LID 9/4/06

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that your privacy was violated, but at the same time understand.

I wish the very best for you and Miss Ruby.

Happy Holidays