Saturday, December 23, 2006

So Hard To Say...


Yes, sadly, it's time to say 'goodbye' to my beloved & loyal 'sippy'
that I've had LITERALLY for over 5 years.
(feel free to laugh now if you'd like...)


See that sippy on the left? That's my old one, it was with me when I was first diagnosed with MS, it was with me for that long trip to CHINA, it kept me hydrated WHILE IN CHINA
and was Ruby's FIRST SIPPY as she would NOT take any of the ones I had brought for her... she only wanted to 'share Momma's'.
But, as you can see... mine is old, faded & finally, just recently, suffered a small 'crack' right under where my black hair elastic always sits snug ready for use.
(hair in my face pisses me off so you can never be ready enough
to pop that shit up in a pony tail, right?!)
When I first bought it, it looked JUST LIKE THE BRIGHTLY COLORED ONE ON THE RIGHT!
(no lie)
But alas, all good things must come to an end, this is also true with sippy's.

My NEWEST FRIEND (<--- click there & then click on the SUN for "summer stuff" & scroll through the photos till you come to the 22oz Freezer Bottles/style #020) comes with brothers & sisters this time...
...a gift from my friend & ex boyfriend, Scott.

He asked me what I wanted for Christmas & I told him, nothing... that I didn't need anything.
Then, the crack happened & I was so beside myself with everything that's going on in my life that I figured, "great, what a way to get kicked when you're down..."
I know, it's JUST A SIPPY, but when you drink as much water as I do & like the convenience of having it ready & available to you in a NON SPILL way,

So, goodbye old friend, you've served me well & now that I've said a proper 'goodbye',
I can finally lay you to rest in the recycle bin.
May you be turned into another sippy to bring happiness to
someone else for many more years to come...


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