Saturday, December 23, 2006

Change Of Plans... goes private as of RIGHT NOW!

I am tired of 'waiting' to blog especially when I'm losing my ever loving MIND & needing to VENT and this is my one outlet, so fuck it, private as of YESTERDAY if I can manage it right?

So, where were we? Now that I know my audience & know that certain people won't be peeking in to judge the fuck out of me, all bets are off & welcome to the new R.I.H.O.T. ...
It's bound to be one hell of a ride!

Ok so here's the status on my life currently... my job is nonexistent when the bitch whose kids I was watching thought it would be ok to just call me on a Sunday night at 7pm to tell me that she was putting her kids 'elsewhere' where it was cheaper.
Yet, this woman maintains a nice new car, a HORSE she boards at a local stable AND is addicted to ebay & buys such items as 'hand crafted horses' (aka: UGLY FUCKING DUST COLLECTORS) etc.

Ok, you wanna cut corners, go for it but keep in mind that karma is a funny thing... someday when your son is in Juve & your daughter comes home knocked up at 12, remember back to the days when you had options of what to cut corners on in life & that you chose to put them in a daycare that only charged you 80 bucks a kid a week.

You know the old saying,
"You get what you pay for?"

Man, the part of this that pisses me off the most is that I gave this woman SERIOUS BREAKS when it came to how I normally run things. After 16 years of doing this, I can command a higher per hour pay, for her, I didn't insist on that.
With all my years of doing my job & doing it WELL, I can expect a certain amount of respect from those whose kids I'm HELPING TO RAISE!
With her, I never got that.

HIRED FUCKING HELP is all I am ever looked at & that is what burns my hide!

You know, believe it or not it's A TOUGH JOB raising a child, IT'S EVEN TOUGHER WHEN YOU'RE TRYING TO RAISE SOMEONE ELSE'S!

So, fuck her, & her 'Merry Christmas' gift to me at the last goddamn second.
I want all of you to sit for a minute & think how you'd feel & how your life would suddenly change if you got that same 7pm Sunday night call like I did regarding your job?

Nothing Merry about Christmas this year, at least from a monetary standpoint.

As far as my daughter is concerned, every day I realize that I am BEYOND BLESSED to call myself her mother.
Every day I know in my heart that God is looking out for us & I hold out hope that he is also aware of my employment situation & the fact that as I type this, my parents are out grocery shopping & I, well I am not joining them as I normally do because there isn't money to spare this week. Now don't get me wrong, I HAVE FOOD IN THE HOUSE, I typically tend to buy like it's the end of the world & ALWAYS have an OVERSTOCKED pantry, HOWEVER, it's just a natural chain of events that happens every weekend & this weekend, it's happening without me because some anorexic blond bitch thought it would be a wonderful idea to leave the woman who has cared for her kids since may, loved her kids since may, changed her kids shitty diapers TIMES TWO since may, bent over BACKWARDS FOR HER SINCE MAY, to give her the wonderful Christmas Surprise of UNEMPLOYMENT!

Ok, now that I've spewed, I feel slightly better but feeling better does not put food on my table nor does it pay my god damned bills.

Oh, dear lord of KARMA, see to it that things come full circle, I ask this in your name...


We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog...


Research-China.Org said...

You go girl!!!!

Samantha said...

Wow ,she really was thoughtless and inconsiderate to you!

munchkinsmom said...

I made it - I am now in your private blog.

One thing I want you to know and yes you, you just call me or email me, and you will have it. You have done a lot for me (yes you) and even though I am clear across the country, I can still send things!!!

As for "blondie", she is who she is and we won't go there. Some day she will realized what a good job you did for her kids.

Take care and give that girl with the bear a big hug from me.

Cindy and Co. said...

I would hate to see a daycare that only charges 80 per kid. At $146 I was feeling so freaked out that I quit my job to stay home. I had a in her home Nanny for my first daughter and really wish I was in your area. So much better for the kids than the nasty habits they pick up in daycares.