Sunday, December 10, 2006

"Aunt Corn"... often times, Ruby is in my bedroom with me playing.
She's got her fair share of toys in here & that's ok with me.
I had just gotten out of a shower & was getting dressed and as I am pulling on my toasty cotton "fun pants" (as Ruby loves to call them), I notice her reaching for something under my bed.

Now, those of you who know me KNOW that that's probably not a good idea since you really NEVER know what's gonna be under there to take a bite out of you!
I say to her, "Ruby honey, get out from under Momma's bed, ok baby?"
She says to me, "Momma, Aunt Corn!"
*puzzled look* "Ah, sweetie, what did you say?"
Ruby smiles & says again, "Momma, Aunt Corn!"

Ok, now I know you don't have a vegetable for an aunt but I'm intrigued, so I'll bite...

"Sweetie, who's Aunt Corn?"

Ruby then holds up a Caruso Hair Roller high above her head & proudly exclaims,
"Aunt Corn! Aunt Corn!"

*smiling & a bit teary at this point* Awwwwww sweetie, you're right, that IS Aunt Karen's hair roller... she must've left it here from her visit baby.

Yes, my daughter who has no idea that her beautiful Aunt Corn who wore the rollers in her hair, is now her beautiful Aunt Corn, who wears soft toasty cashmere cable knit hats on her beautiful bald head.
Something tells me that once Ruby returns said red roller to her beloved Aunt Corn come Jan... that Aunt Corn just might save those rollers for another day.

I'm proud of my daughter for remembering her Aunt Corn (her way of saying Karen) via way of something as simple as a little red hair roller...
...and I'm even more proud of my friend Corn, ah, I mean Karen, for having the nuts to take her own hair before Cancer even had a chance.

Girl, you're so wonderful if you really were corn, you'd be POPCORN!
Because, just like popcorn, you too are loved by everyone!
(although don't go slathering butter on yourself... trust me, it can get messy!)




My Baby Ain't White said...

Heh, I've so been called worse...

Salt and butter, huh? Hmmm, might mention that one to Scott...

Love you guys bunches,

OziMum said...

Ruby is such a sweetie!