Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tuesdays With Uncle Steve... *FINAL UPDATE*



4 T butter
Beef Round Roast
(bottom of the round)
Mine's a 7 & 1/2 pound er & cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $18 bucks!
( cook 20 minutes PER POUND!)

1 can Campbell's french onion soup (plus 1 can water)
1 Spanish onion chopped
1 pkg portebella mushrooms cubed
2 cloves garlic minced
1 pkg baby carrots cut into little circles
Few shakes around pot of Gravy Master
Salt & Pepper to taste


In large soup pot on medium high heat, add butter & let melt.

Rinse off the roast & have ready to toss into pot...

Add into pot & brown each side of roast...
(few minutes on each side)

Should look like this (above) once sealed on a side, do this to ALL SIDES.

Add Salt & freshly ground pepper

Then if you're smart, (like me)
you'll have all your veggies chopped & READY
so when it's time, you can just TOSS EVERYTHING INTO POT with Roast!
(you can't see them all but the chopped onions are on the very bottom, then the mushrooms, then the carrots & if you look close enough, you can see the little mountain of minced garlic at the very top... Mmmmm SO GOOD!)

After adding veggies add your can of soup plus one can of water.

Give a stir with a wooden spoon
& make sure all the veggies are either around the roast,
or towards the bottom of the pot.

Then reduce heat & cover pot.
Every half hour or so, turn the roast inside the pan & give the veggies a stir.

Now this monster is a bigg'un SO it's gonna take
roughly 2 & 1/2 hours to cook him.

Honestly, the longer & slower you cook a roast, the more tender he becomes...


(And oh yeah, speakin' of GRAVY, there WILL be more pics to follow
cuz once this guy is totally cooked, I'm going to turn those veggies into a
yummy, dark & delicious HOME MADE GRAVY to be served over
smashed potatoes! *drooling*)

Stay tuned...

Ok, it's about half way into my cooking time &
look at how BEAUTIFUL our friend here is turning out?!
It's about now when I shake in some Gravy Master for added flavor
as well as a deeper color later on when making the gravy!
Mmmm too bad blogs can't portray SMELL!
Smell-O-Blogging, what an IDEA!
You people would NEVER LEAVE THIS PLACE!

T-minus 15 minutes to dinner!

And what does miss Ruby have to say about all this?
"Momma, Rot Post!"

That's right, my daughter just referred to our dinner as 'ROT POST' hehehe
You know it baby, let's go eat some ROT POST!
Oh and don't forget...
I WILL take & post a photo of a finished meal on a plate once done, I PROMISE!
After all, how often does one get to enjoy Rot Post with her daughter?

My father made his Italian peas & pancetta, SO YUMMY!
(can't give you that recipe, cuz then I'd have to kill ya...)

And the TRUE test of my work?
Ruby cleaned her plate... so I guess that means she gives it:


Psst... the gravy was made by adding two packets of 'brown gravy mix' (sold in individual little pouches) and adding more gravy master & some Wondra flour until the desired consistency.
Bon Appetit'!


Eliza2006 said...

My mouth is watering! That looks so good! I think I'll try your recipe tomorrow night! Can't wait to see the finished product.


Anonymous said...

Good gosh, between you and Johnny, I won't ever loose weight!! This monster looks so good that tomorrow I am going out and make that "rot post". I will let you know how it came out. Yum!!

Keep this up and I will have a great recipe collection.

Thank you for sharing this with me (I like this because I am seeing picture(s) of what we I am making).

Sherrie in HB