Monday, December 25, 2006

Santa Drives A Car?

According to my daughter, he does. LOL

Allow me to share with you all the conversation that took place this morning:

Me: "Hi Ruby, guess who CAME LAST NIGHT?!"
Ruby: "Who Momma?"
Me: "Santa, baby girl!"
Ruby: "Car? Car? Car?"
Me: "No sweetie, Santa rides in a sleigh and is pulled by reindeer!"
Ruby: "No, Momma, CAR! CAR! CAR!"
Me: "Oh, really...? Well, what color car does Santa drive?"
Ruby: "White car Momma!"

So, there you have it, Santa drives a WHITE CAR!

(My kid doesn't lie!)



Yvonne said...

Merry Christmas to both of you!!! Hey, I drive a white car....and I did not keep my eyes on it all night....hmmmm.....

Calico Sky said...

She is too cute!
Merry Christmas to you, Ruby and the bear!