Monday, December 04, 2006

Self Expression...

Yeah, that's right... I'm wearing the shirt!

I'm sorry, you what? You have a problem with that?
Is that so...?

Yeah, well I'll stick this orange peg where the sun don't shine mister!

Hehehe, thought you'd like THAT one!

C'mon, with MY Momma, how could I be anything BUT TOUGH!
That's right, we're BOTH TOUGH COOKIES!
(mmm... cookies, Momma maybe we should make more of those norwegian butter cookies
and have them with some tea! What? That's not 'tough'? Oops! Sorry!
shhh we'll just do it later when nobody's lookin'...)

So, what was I saying, oh yeah that's right, I'M TOUGH!
(did I mention cute too?)

(Bear would like to say, for the record, that he's neither tough nor wearing a shirt,
but wants you all to know that he supports the views of his Ruby 110%
and is fully prepared to use any color peg if need be!)


Anonymous said...

No comment, except - Go Yankees!!!
(You knew to expect that from me)

Amy said...

Wow Kat, I didn't know you needed glasses? Cuz I'm pretty sure you read that wrong... it says YANKEES YUK. Maybe you should try reading it again over and over and over and OVER etc...

lol you sure you & Ari can hang with us up here in Red Sox Nation come PJNY's? (Pajama New Year's)

I have extra B hats for ya if your cute little noggin gets cold. ;) hehehe


OziMum said...

Have to say the peg one, and the second to last pic, are my favs!!!

The face! Oooo that cute little face!!!

Carrie said...

Alex isn't too fond of Ruby's choice in attire (but she's still really cute).

Amy said...

You're KIDDING!#?#>$%< You guys live in New England & your son is a YANKEES FAN?
Now I've heard EVERYTHING! hehehe

Hey Alex... for the record, YOU'RE CUTE TOO!


Unknown said...


Just found you blog through the Why China meme. Very cute. DH is going to want that shirt for our child. He's a big Tigers fan, and can't stand the Yankees. Boston is second for him. He grew up in Michigan, so it's in his blood. :o)

Pug Mama said...

Oh my eyes!!!
They are burning from viewing that shirt!!!
My Pug JETER has major issues with that shirt also!


Amy said...

LMFAO Well, just tell Jeter to turn the other cheek (or paw as it may be)...

Yankees still YUK! *grin*

Proud to live in the heart of RED SOX NATION!

-Amy & Ruby Cate (& Jason Varitek too!)
hee hee